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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Saturday Finds..

Today was a GREAT day for bargains!

Flea Mkt (9.00)

Star .25!
Planter was 1.00, I added the rest!
Brace yourself......the find of the day, the one item that makes getting out of bed so early worth it!

How Jealous are you??????

I can't figure out if I want to leave it like this or paint it?  I have always wanted one of these but they are so hard to find and usually cost way too much.
I will just have to sleep on it I guess.

In the meantime here is a little more of what I did today.....

after!  not bad for 1.00

Hope you enjoyed some of my finds!!

1 comment:

  1. You found some great stuff! Love that chair. I was at some friends' house this past weekend. He found six such chairs, only one was a rocker. If I told you what he paid at auction you would scream. It was such a steal!

    Although his chairs were chippy like yours, he plans to redo them and if you want to use them, I would suggest it. Anyone who sat in the one chair he had on the deck took away some of the chippy paint on their clothes.

    Enjoy your fabulous chair. I am jealous!
