Welcome to my life....

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I gathered all my supplies and headed to the garage..

First I started out by Priming EVERYTHING....note to self-this is why they make those masks to wear!

This stuff smells really REALLY strong!

Next it was time for the Paint...

and more paint....

I let that dry for several hours (while I mowed the yard).  Next it was time for the GLAZE----

Ok, this stuff is a little messy to deal with...but thats ok. I was prepared for it.
Remember what I started with?

with a little LOT of time..... I slowly got this-
I wanted some new hardware for it but decided to spray paint the ugly brass BLACK!  It turned out good as new.

If am really happy with my first ever Glazing experience, I only spent $20 for this desk thingee so in the end I think I came out pretty good.



Saturday, May 14, 2011

Date Night...

Well usually my date night consist of Chad and I going out.....NOT last night!  He had to work late so what's a girl to do??  It wouldn't be right to go out without him SO I found the best ever place to hang out by yourself....

I know....not what you thought I'd say?   Let me just say this is no place for a girl to go alone.  I went CRAZY in the paint section!!  I really felt bad though b'c I did kind of feel like I was sneaking around behind his back....you know, not really paying attention to the prices, just grabbing everyTHING i could get my hands on!  Imagine my surprise when I thought I had maybe spent 20.00 but it was more like 40.00! I like to compare it with a night out with the girls...you may drink one or two and when you get your bill you realize WOW did I really have that much??  only kidding (I don't do that)...
Ok back to my date.. I had been obsessed with Mandi's projects lately, its like she reads my mind...I will be thinking..hmmm wonder what would happen if you did this...or that...Well next thing you know she has not only done it BUT posted How to's for us Green Horns!  She gives you so many ideas and her step by step instructions are easy to read and follow... see here
With all that said, I couldn't wait to get off work to hit Home Depot (i never thought i'd say that) those of you who know me KNOW how bad I HATED going to that place daily while our house was being built..Anyway, So i print her how to instructions and head out.  I get to the paint dept and MY WORD way too much to pick from, so glad the nice man helped me along my journey to find "glaze"!  They didn't have the exact stuff she used but the man said "this will work the same"  (lets hope).  Since its raining out today that means NO yard sales for me. (boo hoo) BUT thats ok, I am not stressing that will just give me MORE time to work on my GLAZING!!  I am so excited...I hope it turns out ok but you know me I will post it even if it is a big ole mess...
Until then I will give you this to look at, its the last time you will see it this way!
I was up at 3am planning all of this in my head! (I am OCD like that)  I can't wait to get started..

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

here she is....

It has been a long and ruff few days for her but she is finally finished!
I know!!!  Nothing says Summer like a Lemon yellow chair.

I have had the most fun with her today, she can't decide if she wants a cushion or not though...I keep walking outside changing her out..

Here she is with her new Rocking friends...
Whats that, you ask??  when did I buy a white rocker??  You know me....

Remember this one?

she needed a change....

Hope You enjoyed my Post tonight....

I will leave you with this,

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

at it AgAiN!

Well, I finally found the perfect color for my new chair..
What do you think??   Yep its YELLOW!!!

It ended up taking about 2.5 cans to cover it all.  I didn't realize how DARK that green was before...

Over all I have about 25.00 in it now which I think is still a deal...I mean look how much the rusted ones are going for on Ebay.
I can't wait to get her on my porch (the chair is female, it can't be male being BRIGHT yellow you know)!

But while she is she still drying I managed to get another project going....

Both for 15.00 at a Yard Sale today!!
 I know what you are thinking.....15.00 way too much to pay?  I will have to disagree with you on that, have you priced pressure treated wood lately?  I think I got a deal. 
I realize the easy thing to do would just be fill them up with dirt/flowers and be done with it..  Well, thats not how I roll!

so...............I brought out the STAIN!

Whats that you say??  I missed some spots??  I KNOW!  I started to go back and fill in all the cracks but decided I really like it this way, it looks more worn and weathered I think and after all that IS the look I was going for!

So right now they are spending the night with HER.

I know...you are so Jealous of my "work area"  LOL.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Saturday Finds..

Today was a GREAT day for bargains!

Flea Mkt (9.00)

Star .25!
Planter was 1.00, I added the rest!
Brace yourself......the find of the day, the one item that makes getting out of bed so early worth it!

How Jealous are you??????

I can't figure out if I want to leave it like this or paint it?  I have always wanted one of these but they are so hard to find and usually cost way too much.
I will just have to sleep on it I guess.

In the meantime here is a little more of what I did today.....

after!  not bad for 1.00

Hope you enjoyed some of my finds!!