Well....I have a confession to make....
For the last 6 Years I thought I had lost my Class Ring, Well guess what......I DIDN'T!!
The other day Chad was cleaning out his gun safe and ask me if he had some of my rings...Well I guess when we moved I had my real jewelry in his safe! Anyone who knows me will admit I don't really care for REAL jewelry. So...I would guess that's why I didn't miss it that much, I prefer the Big..Fake...Tacky Jewels!
I had thought about the ring a while back and was too scared to ask Mom if she had it put up some place, you know this ring has lived in several places!!
Which brings me to the point of my post.... Think about all the places your class ring has been...
lived in different houses? Some ex b/f has it? I think it will be fun to share with each other and I am sure we will have a lot of laughs!!!
I will never forget the day Mom and I went to LuMac @ Oak Ridge Mall! I was sooooo excited to get to pick it out. I knew I wanted GOLD not silver (which is hard to believe) and Mom let me design it the way I wanted. I have always HATED my birthstone (diamond) its so blah. (maybe this is the reason I think diamonds are bad luck??) anyway...back to the story...I wanted the stone to be blue (you know..Go Big Blue)!
I remember being so MAD because I wanted my name on the side and everyone always said it looked like "USA" :(
Yes, thats a Devil that was our Mascot...
The other side had the year I graduated (that was the "in" thing to put there) LOL!
So, seems I have spent most of my post telling you about how I GOT the ring...I will have to tell you all the places she's been at a later date...
Well, my class ring is in my jewelry box....never lost....never shared....think its there.....better go look.