How to get started...well I guess I will start by saying please ignore any miss-spellings and I am pretty sure I will mess up on my gramer along the way. After spending the last couple of months reading blogs I decided that I had to start one. I love buying old stuff (really cheap) and somehow adding in my decor. My husband and I built a new home in April of 2008, I work full time but with three kids, two car pmts, a house pmt, etc..I learned the hard way that I could not go out and buy all new things to decorate a 5000sq foot home! I never thought I would enjoy digging through others peoples boxes of junk like i do! I believe there is no greater "high" than digging in a box of old rusty junk and finding the one item (usually less than a dollar) that will change the whole look of a room. Some of my friends think I am pretty strange I am sure but they always tend to love the pics i bring in of my recent "finds". I plan to post everything from my collection of Rusty Fans to my latest outfit that was under 5.00!
Most of the time I will get an idea from a magizine,tv or another blog and I make it my mission not to stop until i get it!
Since Christmas is getting close my latest thing has been decorating my mantel..I think I am finally finished and would love to her feedback from you all.
I hope you enjoy me sharing my thoughts, ideas and anything else that may come up along the way....
Way to go....looks great....inspired me to get MY blog on!!!